• Who We Are

    Partnerships For Change® (PFC) is dedicated to the promotion of sustainable development through direct humanitarian action, transforming social and economic conditions of underserved communities, globally. READ MORE

  • Empowering Women

    The Women’s Empowerment Center was launched to reduce poverty, prevent prostitution, human trafficking, slavery, crime, violence, drug abuse and the spread of water borne illness. READ MORE

  • Empowering Spiritual Entrepreneurs

    Partnerships For Change® is honored to partner with Ingrid Jordt and Bharat Rana of the Royal Thimpu College to launch the Bhutan National Heritage Foundation,promoting the preservation and restoration of the Bhutanese culture, architecture and parks. READ MORE

  • Jaipur Foot

    The Jaipur Foot has proven to be a remarkable triumph in the history of prosthetic feet due to the speed at which a limb can be constructed as well as the low cost of under $50 to produce each device. Recipients receive his or her Jaipur Foot free of charge. READ MORE

  • Accelerating Environmental, Economy

    Since 1990 Partnerships For Change® (PFC) has promoted social and economictransformation through direct humanitarian action and sustainable development. READ MORE

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Partnerships For Change®

Honorable But Broken - EMS in Crisis

Partnerships For Change partnered on a documentary about the broken EMS system. Narrated by Sarah Jessica Parker, directed and produced by Bryony Gilbey (formerly 60 Minutes and ABC), and co-produced by Richard Diefenbach (formerly CBS, ABC, and FOX).

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Dr. Joycelyn Elders -  Sharecropper to Surgeon General

Learn more about the film and the celebration, or donate to the documentary by clicking on the button below.  

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Partnerships For Change an XPRIZE Semi Finalist

Partnerships For Change made it to the semi-finals at XPRIZE held in Singapore with the All Star team of drone scientists, with a project on the Amazon led by Hector Vargas. Learn more about XPRIZE and the Act Now Amazonas Action Alliance.

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Here to Help Ukraine

Partnerships For Change is providing support for Here to Help Ukraine (HTH), an organization that is helping displaced Ukrainian refugees find housing and support. If you'd like to help families that are struggling in the war, consider donating to HTH using the link below:


URGENT - Help for Evacuations from Afghanistan

Partnerships For Change is currently supporting programs that offer safe passage for Afghan girls, boys, women, and men from Afghanistan to countries all over the world. Use the button below to donate to these evacuation efforts, or contact us if you'd like to learn more about some of the programs that we're currently helping to fund. 


Donate to Partnerships For Change

Support Partnerships For Change and its projects and media films to advance compassion and abolish cruelty to people, animals, and the environment.


PFC's Mission - Sustainable Forays

Partnerships For Change®(PFC) is a team of social impact strategists and practitioners. PFC disrupts the status quo and implements lasting change. Since 1990, we have harnessed the power of stories and partnerships to accelerate change through direct action projects with all forms of media. We continue to perfect the craft of transformation. We strategically engage local partners around the globe and mobilize filmmakers, authors, artists, political advocates, broadcast and print journalists, social media, web and mobile platform architects to bring change.

Our sustainable forays are to advance compassion and abolish cruelty to people, animals and the environment by accelerating economic, social and health empowerment projects, awaken the conscience from compelling stories, and build advocacy with awareness and policy change.

Advance compassion and Abolish cruelty, Awaken conscience, and Advocate change.


Partnerships For Change® Blog

  • Partnerships for Change and MedCycle

    MedCycle Logo 2x23

    Partnerships for Change is proud to be a fiscal sponsor of MedCycle. MedCycle's mission is to collect donated, surplus medical equipment and distribute it to the places that need it most. We're thrilled to help them along with their mission and encourage anyone to donate financially or help them collect supplies to further their goals. If you'd like to donate to MedCycle, you can do so here:



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Complicit - The Film

complicitlogoPartnerships For Change serves as a fiscal sponsor and supporter of the development and distribution for the film Complicit showing that Apple and Samsung phones being made in China are poisoning workers to illness, disability and sadly death from ‘occupational leukemia’. Next time you make a call, post, or text from your I-phone or Galaxy, ask yourself do I want to support this form of production of the phone I use?

Already, Complicit has made a difference in the policies of Apple who publicly banned the use of leukemia causing chemicals, benzene, in the cleaning the circuit boards before their product is shipped. The film has already been won at several Film Festivals, starting with its Premiere at the Toronto Human Rights Watch Film Festival. (http://povmagazine.com/articles/view/review-complicit). This genre of film we call #ImpactSquared, as the film is designed to have impact for change to end this workplace death trap, and during its filming has actual impact to better the lives of people be negatively affected. (LINK to photo of projection of film on Apple’s 5th Avenue New York store.)

Despite the changes achieved, this is not even close to going far enough. For example, Apple claims to have no knowledge of the use of benzene from their prime contractor, Foxconn. Foxconn vehemently denies use of benzene despite evidence and secretly filmed pronouncements of the making of Apple products with Benzene. See the film at various screening debuts in different cities around the globe and also be part of the solution. http://complicitfilm.org

The Prophet

prophetposterThe Prophet is a animated feature of Kahlil Gibran’s novel starring Salma Hayek, Liam Neeson and produced by Salma Hayek and Executive Produced by William Nix, member of Partnerships For Change®’s Board of Advisors. Our strategic ally, Journeys In Film has done a curriculum guide for educators to inspire and sustain the message for years

Partnerships for Change® supports the vision and serves as the Fiscal Sponsor for a variety of direct social-action and issue-based Media Projects.

To find out more, please visit the Media Section of our site or choose a quick link below:

Now Showing


Feature Films

Film Partners

Social Media Campaigns For Impact


Project Sidebar 2


Empowering Social and Spiritual Entrepreneurs


Women's Empowerment and Health Promotion

Lama Tenzin and Himalayan Kids

Accelerating Environmental, Economic and Personal Transformation

Jaipur Foot

Learning Journeys

Catalyzing Media as a Change Agent

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MedCycle Network