Partnerships For Change®

Our ‘Sustainable Forays’ are the ‘Four A‘ projects that
- Awaken the conscience
- Accelerate Economic and Health Empowerment
- Advance compassion and abolish cruelty to people, animals and the environment, and
- Advocate through education for policy change to achieve the above goals.
Based in San Francisco, PFC is an international, non-profit 501(c)3 organization dedicated to positive transformation at the community level. PFC works with communities around the world, empowering individuals to achieve their full potential as well as building and strengthening community alliances. Our projects include empowering social and spiritual entrepreneurs, empowering women, accelerating social, economic and environmental transformation, catalyzing change through the media and leading groups on global learning journeys.
Among the many films and documentaries we sponsor, we are most proud to be associated with Oscar-nominated film-makers exposing violence against women and children, animal abuse, campus rapes, sexual abuse in the military, and sexual abuse by the clergy. PFC also supports healthcare issues including Lyme disease, maternal healthcare, and extreme emergency rescue missions. We also support education in various creative forms such as games, books and magical healing programs.
Other Programs Accepting Donations
The following are some of the programs we partner with. Please consider donating, and review our page on the topic, issue, or project for more information.
PROJECT: Nightingale 2030 Resilience Fund
PROJECT: COVID-19 PPEs/Test Kits for Underserved Communities
PROJECT: Verdant World
DOCUMENTARY: Women Are Sacred